Gerard Way was born on 09 of April 1977 Newark New Jersey USA Donna called her mother and father are now called Donald diborciados Gerard Arthur Way Lee had an adolescence marked mainly by the death of his maternal grandmother Helena Lee Rush, which led him to alcoholism, drug addiction and even suicide attempts, Gerard is the trainer or you could say the owner of the band My Chemical Romance, also sell almost a caricature of a great important channel called Cartoon Network, which incidentally did not accept that closely resembled one that was to air "The Breakfast Monkey" was the name of his cartoon Gerard spent a very long trasoo intimate problems, the death was obsessed with since he knew that everyone would die one day that was when she was just 8 years It also instilled a lot of suspense terror by his mother Donna because Donna will fascinate horror films in the ke contained espeial diabolical dolls even one of the rooms of the house of Gerard was only for the collection of horror movies and wrists of Ms. Donna Gerard is the older brother of two and has Italian origins and escoseces, Gerard singing in a band early in his adolescence, but after he chose to engage in graphic art, graduated from high school in 1995 and then took classes in the "SCHOOL OF VISUAL ARTS "in New York, graduated in 1999 with a bachelor of arts ... MCR Gerard founded with his former drummer Matt Pelissier Gerard Way to State Alcohol and drug sober since August 2004, because that's when I decided to put an end to a life filled with sadness and deprecion lower on 10/08/06 Gerard served two years for not taking a single drop of alcohol and not drugged haberce
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